Sunday, June 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Dustin!

So Dustin has finally turned 27 years old! Man, am I bitter that he is a year younger than me?! We are lucky enough to have a couple of friends that can stand us, so we invited them over for cake and ice cream. Notice how the picture is not that great? Well, maybe it's because my cake did not turn out as pretty as I wanted it to be. What was I thinking? Trying something new for his birthday? But Dustin really wanted me to bake him a cake... so I did. It might not have looked so good, but it sure tasted yummy!!! We had a good time visiting with our friends; Kathryn, Jonathan, Karlie, Katya, Bryan, Kaio and Dustin's father, Eric. I'm so very thankful for their friendship and support. But mostly, I'm thankful that 27 years ago Dustin was born! I love you honey and am looking forward to many more birthdays together!

Kaio and Karlie were sure having a good time being all loud and adorable!!!! They were singing "ring around the roses" on this picture.


The Barlow Family said...

Look at that BEAUTIFUL cake! I don't know what you were worried about, because it was delicious!

I'm so excited that you have started a blog. Now that you have moved forever away from us we only see you usually once a week and that just isn't enough. I miss my shopping buddy. Plus I think you are hilarious and I look forward to reading your posts. There is never a dull moment with the Birches. Love ya!