Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Cub Scouts... AGAIN!

So, last Sunday one of the bishopric counselors wanted to meet with me and Dustin. Of course we knew no good could come out of that meeting. But since we had just gotten a calling, we thought it would be a talk... but Dustin had JUST talked last week... so we thought... they will ask ME to give a talk. I also wondered if they were giving me another calling and I thought to myself, I will have to say NO if they call me to teach Sunday School or cub scouts leader, since I had that calling in Williamsburg and did NOT like it!

After a lot of talking he finally mentioned that our names kept popping up when they were talking about this specific calling, but since we had just been called to be ward missionaries they tried to think of other people... WELL, they obviously didn't think hard enough because they called us both to be Cub Scout Leaders. Dustin looked at me right away when the counselor said that and I just closed my eyes and thought to myself "NO NO NO NO NO NO". Dustin said he would accept the calling but that the counselor would have to convince me to do it. SO, obviously I didn't learn my lesson (or was punished enough) when I had that calling last time so I'll have to do it again! Come on, I could not say no.

Funny thing is that we were released from being ward missionaries that same day when we had not even been set apart yet. They thanked us for "all our service"! Kind of embarrassing...I didn't look, but I bet the ward mission leader did not rise his right hand!


blair and maisy said...

Awesome. Ha ha- cub scouts... but it could be worse, you could have my calling:) You guys are so good with kids (even pre-pubescent young annoying ones, I'm sure). You'll do great.

Niki said...

Ha! Better you than me. Love you Marina and Dustin!!

Cherylyn said...

LOL...that's a great story. I feel the same way about the nursery. You just needed to be reminded that Heavenly Father has a sense of humor!

J Johnson said...

Marina and Dustin, I am so glad that you guys did accept that calling for the short time that it was. I enjoyed you guys even more as teachers in the primary.

Thanks for being dependable, for tolerating my lack of a brain during sharing times, for laughing at me, and making my job as Primary President easier. I will miss seeing you Marina!!!! I know I told you that the girl gerbil in G Force reminded me of your accent. I guess I'll have to buy that movie now to give me a Marina fix every now and again.

I will miss your laughter, your smile, our few inside jokes, and your sense of humor. I could have easily posted something like this on facebook, but I like to be a little more of a private person. Should you ever read this Dustin, please know that I've shed many tears for you and Marina since I heard about the accident. And from you hearing from me often in primary, that's not something I did often. I have had a constant prayer in my heart for you Dustin. Marina will be greatly missed by us all, but more so by you and her family. I'm not sure if I'll hug you tomorrow when Candice and I attend the viewing and funeral. If I don't give it to my inner thoughts, please know that I would have given you a BIG, tight squeeze and not wanted to let go.

I know that Heavenly Father will comfort you. And I'm so glad to hear that you can cook from this blog. My hubby will have a sad diet should I pass on before he does. Should you ever need something that I could help you with, feel free to call or email me.