Sunday, November 9, 2008

Congratulations Renato and Priscilla!

This post is more for me than anyone else really since we can keep these posts forever! My brother Renato got married on Friday and it was one of the saddest I've ever felt for living so far away. My dad was awesome enough to use today's technology and set up a little "live feed" station so me, my sister and Priscilla's sister; who also lives in the USA could watch it. It was great to watch the whole thing but it was still sad that we couldn't be there.

In Brazil, the temple marriage isn't considered a "legal marriage" so most people have a nice wedding reception where the bishop or stake President (in this case my Dad), will do the legal ceremony with all the paperwork. And then, they get sealed in the temple. It's tiring, but worth it! I love my brother! He is one of the funniest people I've ever met in my life and it makes me sad that I couldn't be part of something so special in his life. But I'm sure the only thing he was really worried about and antsy to get to was to get everything over with, grab his brand new wife, hop on a plane and start enjoying his honeymoon! :) Amo voces e boa sorte! Beijos!
The newest addition to the Toffanelli Family! Welcome Priscilla, we're happy to have you as part of our family!
Luiza was one of the bridesmaids and that was how she was thanked, Brazilian style! :)


Ashley Gilbert said...

Yay! Happy married day for your brother! It looked like a really pretty day they had. :)

The Barlow Family said...

I love that Dustin made a comment on your blog. What a bummer that you weren't able to be there, but Hooray for todays technology & a Dad that is so technology savy. What GREAT pictures! Another woman in the Toffanelli family, your dad and Renato better watch out that's a lot of Estrogen. It's probably a good thing you live apart. Just kidding! I love your family. Congrats to them.

Ashley Gilbert said...

Thanks for your comment Marina! :) I am glad that you enjoyed the blog.

Lots of Love!

Ashley Gilbert said...

Lol...we really deleted it because I was spending too much time on it. I felt like facebook was pretty safe. Blogging is definitely safer.